Flea season is here!!!

We have been seeing a lot of fleas and a lot of misinformation along with them.

Myth #1: Garlic powder is a great alternative to flea products.

Fact: Garlic is not safe for pets! Garlic can be extremely toxic to dogs and cats and the consumption of even a small amount can lead to severe poisoning and, if not treated in time, death.


Myth #2:  All OTC (over the counter) flea products are the same.

Fact: The only over the counter flea medications that we recommend are Frontline and Advantage. Other products can be very toxic, even deadly to your pet. 


Myth#3: All flea products are the same.

Fact: There are many products on the market now and most work in completely different ways. Some are just the old sprays or dips concentrated and packaged to look like other products. Some work by inhibiting flea eggs from growing and hatching. Some kill fleas on direct contact and may reduce hatching eggs and larvae. 

Myth #4: I don't need to use flea prevention on my indoor only cat.

Fact: Even indoor only pets can get fleas. During the summer and fall, while mowing or raking leaves, we can bring fleas in on our clothing. Pets without flea prevention on quickly become infested along with your house.

Myth #5: I can treat my house just as good as an exterminator. 

Fact: For small pest problems, store bought products can oftentimes be effective. However, bigger infestations can be more difficult with store bought products. A reliable pest control company will have up to date products and methods to treat your infestation. These products can be toxic if not used properly.

Myth #5: I only need to use flea prevention during the summer months.

Fact: Fleas start to hatch in the spring and will breed all summer long. The fall is usually the worst time of year for flea infestations. Once fleas get in your house they can live year round. It is best to keep your pet on a year round product such as Revolution, Comfortis, or Frontline Plus to help prevent an infestation. 

These are just a few of the myths we hear daily. Before trying a home remedy or new product that your friend told you about, please call the clinic and make sure it will not harm your pet more than the fleas! Not every product is best for your pet. We will discuss your pets health and living environment to determine what product is best for them.


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