Pet First Aid

Effective Pet First Aid from Our Veterinarian

First Aid

Everyone can experience an emergency in their lives, including your pet. So you must know what to do when this happens. In this quick guide from our Lancaster Animal Clinic in Lancaster, OH, the team provides tips on stocking your pet's first aid kit and what to do in an emergency.

How to Make a Pet First Aid Kit

One of the most critical steps of pet first aid is having the necessary supplies on hand. The following are some of the most important ones.

  • Non-stick bandages
  • Cotton Balls
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • Adhesive tape
  • Antibiotic ointment or spray
  • Tweezers
  • Ice pack
  • Alcohol wipes

It's essential to keep supplies in a kit that you can get to easily. If you take your pet out often, consider having extra equipment in your car or go-bag. Also, set a reminder to check the kit every few months to ensure you’re still stocked up and that nothing has expired.

What to Do in Case of a Pet Emergency

The first thing you need to remember is to stay calm. You won’t do your pet any good if you can’t focus on the problem. So take deep breaths and do your best to keep your head and hands steady.

You need to assess the situation. Then, take note of what you can do. For instance, if you notice your pet got into toxic chemicals, like cleaning supplies, you’ll need to call your veterinarian or the Animal Control Poison Hotline. The number for that hotline is (888) 426-4435. Write it down and place it on your fridge in an emergency.

Most likely, they’ll have you give your pet 3% hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting, but you must check with the professionals first. Or if your pet has those chemicals in its eyes, you’ll need to rinse them. All necessary supplies should be in your well-stocked pet first aid kit.

Once you have managed the first aid steps, you must visit your veterinarian immediately. First aid is meant to help save lives and reduce pain until they get professional care. It is not meant to replace that care.

Revisit Preventative Care Steps

Focus on what you can control by taking preventative steps. These steps include taking a very observant walk around your home and yard to find anything that might pose a threat. It also includes ensuring your pet is going to each scheduled veterinarian visit to help prevent or reduce the chance of other emergencies, such as seizures.

Call Our Veterinarian for Emergency Care

If you have a pet emergency, give our team at Lancaster Animal Clinic a call at (740) 687-1591 as soon as possible. We’ll walk you through the necessary steps to help save your pet’s life.


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